Meat Staining and Waste Food Dyes 

Tolbest manufacture and supply a comprehensive range of staining dyes and inks for the food industry. All of our waste meat and food dyes comply with various regulations including: the Fresh Meat (Sterilisation and Staining) Regulations 1982, the Fresh Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 1995, the Animal By-Products Order 1999, as well as various other regulations in the meat and poultry industries. 

Meat and Waste Food Dyes 

Patent Blue "V"(E131) C.I.42051 for Category 1 waste 
Patent Blue is used for demarking specified bovine offal, and should be used at a solution strength of 0.5% 
Available in following quantities: 
200g, 400g and 500g screw-cap polyjars 
1-25kg drums 
25g and 125g polythene and paper sachets in water soluble bags 
Liquid concentrate or ready-to-use 0.5% solution 
Black P/N (E151) C.I.28440 for Category 2 waste 
This dye is the commonly known stain for meat, poultry and general food unfit for human consumption.It should be used in a solution between 1% and 2.5%. 
Available in the following quantities: 
200g and 500g polyjars 
25g, 125g and 1kg packs of polythene and paper sachets in water soluble bags or normal polythene packs 
Ready-to-use diluted solution 

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